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Cymed MicroSkin®

STORYCREWS Directory Member
Sarasota, FL, 34240

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Contact Information

Company Name
Cymed MicroSkin®
1451 Sarasota Center Blvd.
Sarasota, FL, 34240

Company Details

More About Cymed MicroSkin®


(800) 582-0707



About Us:

Discover the comfort of MicroSkin adhesives and have life without limitations! MicroSkin® is used in ALL Cymed pouching systems. It is a transparent, hypoallergenic polyurethane film. MicroSkin® offers a level of comfort and security unmatched by any other product on the market Designed with an emphasis on comfort and durability, at just 1/1000 of an inch thick and the ability to stretch up to 500%, the MicroSkin barrier accomplishes a comfort unparalleled with any other pouching system on the market."