STORYCREWS Directory Member
Boulder, Colorado, 80302
Phone: 720-450-9732
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Don’t let your floors wear and tilt over time! Call our expert team to repair and level your old floors in residential and commercial buildings all over Colorado.
Over time all flooring starts to sag, tilt and drop — it’s simply something that we can't avoid. But leaving that tile unattended for too long can actually start to damage your home’s structural integrity. At Expert Touch Tiling, we have built a reputation for helping homeowners and business owners level out old floors perfectly every time.
See how we go about leveling out old floors and all of our floor leveling services that we offer for old and damaged floors throughout Colorado.
Why Floors Need Leveling. You know the old saying, “time is undefeated”? Well, unfortunately for flooring, that sentiment rings true. Now, while even the best built floors will sag slightly over time, shoddy craftsmanship can speed that process up, meaning plenty of houses and businesses across Colorado are experiencing unbalanced or dipping floors.
Without proper leveling, these imperfections in floors can compromise structural integrity and make it near impossible to properly install new surfaces such as tiling or hardwood on top.
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