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Children's Dental Clinic Brooklyn

STORYCREWS Directory Member
Brooklyn, NY, 11235

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Contact Information

Company Name
Children's Dental Clinic Brooklyn
2577 E 17th St 1nd floor
Brooklyn, NY, 11235

Company Details

Hours of Operation
Monday to Wednesday, 10 am–6 pm, Thursday, 10 am–7 pm, Friday, 10 am–4 pm, Saturday, 10 am–3 pm

More About Children's Dental Clinic Brooklyn

Phone: 917-675-5230

Website URL:


Why A Pediatric Dentist? Pediatric dentists (or pedodontists) are qualified to meet the dental needs of infants, toddlers, school-age children, and adolescents. Pediatric dentists are required to undertake an additional two or three years of child-specific training after fulfilling dental school requirements.

Children's Dental Center Brooklyn suggests that parents should make an initial “well-baby” appointment with a pediatric dentist approximately six months after the emergence of the first tooth, or no later than the child’s first birthday.

Although this may seem surprisingly early, the incidence of infant and toddler tooth decay has been rising in recent years.  Tooth decay and early cavities can be exceptionally painful if they are not attended to immediately, and can also set the scene for poor oral health in later childhood.

As a pediatric dentist, we are specialized in child psychology and child behavior, and we can be an important source of information, help, and guidance.   Oftentimes, we can provide strategies for eliminating unwanted oral habits (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking) and can also help you in establishing a sound daily oral routine for your child.

A baby is at risk for tooth decay as soon as the first tooth emerges.  During the first visit, we will help you implement a preventative strategy to protect the teeth from harm, and also demonstrate how infant teeth should be brushed and flossed.

Importantly, we can also assess and balance the infant’s fluoride intake.  Too much fluoride ingestion between the ages of one and four years old may lead to a condition known as fluorosis in later childhood.   Conversely, too little fluoride may render young tooth enamel susceptible to tooth decay.

Call us at (347) 344-5265.