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Posted 12/03/2020 in Marketing and Strategy

The Simple LinkedIn Method that Grew a 6-Figure Business in 3 Months with Justin Roethlingshoefer

In this week’s episode of the Garlic Marketing Show, Ian sits down with Justin Roethlingshoefer, the founder of Own It. Together, they discuss the simple LinkedIn method that grew a 6-figure business in 3 months.

After several failures and far too much money spent on failed coaching, Justin felt lost and unsure of his career path. With the help of several resources and mentors, Justin quickly discovered the method that led him to quickly growing his own business. Now, as the founder of Own It, Justin teaches executives and entrepreneurs the best ways to master their wellness so that they are able to perform at the highest level possible.

In this episode, Justin and Ian discuss the importance of leveraging the relationship side of business and how valuable personalized messages are. Justin also talks about his own successes growing his business and how he achieved it without spending any money on marketing.

Watch the full interview below:

Is marketing easy for you? It sure isn’t for me. That’s why I spend so much time listening to what others are doing, testing, and how they’re pushing the envelope. That’s what makes it fun! 

My podcast, Giants of Video, very expensive masterminds (cheap ones are a waste of time), and daily calls with my genius friends keep me informed. Still, marketing fails. Or, to paraphrase good old Thomas Edison, “I learned a 1000 ways how NOT to do it.”

Sometimes you are on the right path. Sometimes you are way off. Sometimes, success is around the corner.

I had a great conversation with Justin Roethlingshoefer. He’s an awesome coach and not just a business coach. Justin was a strength coach in the NCAA and NHL. He still coaches NHL pros. 

Sure, Justin describes his Linkedin method he used to grow to a six-figure coaching business WITHOUT ads in 90 days. (I say without ads because a lot of people say they grew six-figures this and that but spent seven-figures on ads)

Sure, Justin confirms for you how great of a Coach 4 time guest on my show, Craig Ballantyne, is. And how important having a coach is no matter what you do. (Show me one high performer ANYWHERE without several coaches)

What I want you to really pay attention to, is Justin’s positive attitude putting it all on the line... AND LOSING!!! Then getting back up again, over and over.

We all know we need to try and fail. It’s easier said than done. Stories like this will keep you motivated, especially when that marketing ain’t doing what you want it to.

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